Mikhail Ladanov's Weblog

The Hedgehog

by on May.25, 2010, under SEM pictures

This is a cluster of ZnO nanowires. For ZnO NW to grow one generally need to create a seeding layer consisting of nanocrystalline ZnO. It can be done by depositing solution of zinc acetate in ethanol and annealing substrate at 300°C. If there is a particle on the surface of the substrate, surface tension can draw the solution to this particle, leaving area around without any seeding layer. In my opinion this “hedgehog” was formed around such a particle, while the area around it is without any ZnO NW. there are nanwires of expected shape and geometry father away from this structure.

Cluster of AnO NW. Looks like a hedgehog.

:, , , ,

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